“A VLADI Tale” An audiovisual narrative on public spaces, Vladikavkas, North Osetia, 2012

Following caucasian storytelling tradition, the project tries to get a new tale coming from the people from Vladikavkas OR How to get social and political issues hidden  from young people? How the meaning of the surroundings have change on people’s minds?


The aim of the project is to trace people’ thinking about very simple concepts, through their answers to a video camera. Small video cuts will be edited expressing their answers… what a grandfather thinks about marriage and what his grandson thinks about it… just a way to write a tale… Those videos will show sentences, landscapes, peoples faces, ….

Extracts of these videos will be show on diferent parts of the city doing a distribuited narrative as the original storytelling went from mouth to ear over the times. Like drops on the public way, shop windows, public spaces, TV stores, etc, will host parts of these videos as a tale for the people…

Three generations, grandparents, parents and children, will be involved to answer those questions. Those answers will show how concepts have changed or not on the living time of the population.

Questions are very simple and they are related to dayly life:

What the mountains means to you?, the marriage?, the tradition?, technologies?, the train?, the TV?, …

Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
National Centre for Contemporary Arts

Held on: August 8st – 25th 2012
Location: Vladikavkaz, North Osetia Alanica

La Nadadora / The Swimmer, MEIAC, 2007

“Pero si me echo al agua sin tener miedo, bien que mal me sostendré en el agua, debatiéndome
contra ella y, poco a poco, me adaptaré a este nuevo medio, aprenderé a nadar” (Henri Bergson).*

La instalación que propone Maite Cajaraville (1967, Llerena, Badajoz) muestra
como pieza fundamental, una proyección múltiple en una sala cerrada. Nos
presenta la imagen de una nadadora de élite que realiza un sinuoso ejercicio
acrobático que se modifica por pequeños errores impercetibles hasta un
inesperado desenlace. Maite Cajaraville compone en La nadadora una alegoría
social, nombrando, de forma cifrada, la competitividad, la alienación y la
fragmentación del individuo que acarrea, final y dramáticamente, el desorden
mental o incluso la muerte.* Una secuencia empleada como alegoría de las
relaciones de poder, sus estructuras y mecanismos invisibles que nos seducen
y persuaden, condicionando nuestras aspiraciones y anhelos personales. Maite
Cajaraville se interesa por los estados internos que atraviesa el individuo y la
nadadora es nuestra guía dentro de estos estados.